Ho tšoaroa ha Liolimpiki tsa Mariha tsa Beijing ho hohetse tlhokomelo ea lefatše lohle.Letoto la lisebelisoa tsa leqhoa le lehloa le mahlale a mantlha a nang le litokelo tse ikemetseng tsa thepa ea mahlale a carbon fiber le tsona lia hlolla.
Likoloi tsa lehloa le lihelmete tsa lehloa tse entsoeng ka TG800 carbon fiber
E le ho etsa hore "F1 holim'a leqhoa" e tsamaee ka lebelo le phahameng, lisebelisoa tse sebelisoang 'meleng oa snowmobile li hloka boima bo bobebe le matla a phahameng,' me lisebelisoa tse joalo li boetse li sebelisoa haholo sebakeng sa lifofane.Ka hona, ho etsoa ha likoloi tsa lehloa ho etselitsoe lisebelisoa tse kopantsoeng tsa carbon fiber.Ke thepa ea pele e ncha e lokelang ho sebelisoa le ho ntlafatsoa lebaleng la lifofane, 'me e sebelisa thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea TG800 ea k'habone ea faeba ea maemo a holimo.Ka mor'a ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa carbon fiber composite, snowmobile e ka fokotsa boima ba 'mele ka tekanyo e kholo ka ho fetisisa' me ea theola bohareng ba matla a khoheli ka mokhoa oa ho netefatsa polokeho ea baatlelete, e le hore koloi ea lehloa e ka thella hantle.Ho ea ka litlaleho, boima ba 'mele oa selei se habeli se entsoeng ka lisebelisoa tsa carbon fiber composite ke lik'hilograma tse 50 feela.Matla a phahameng le thepa e ikhethang e monyang matla a thepa e ka boela ea sireletsa baatlelete hore ba se ke ba tsoa likotsi kotsing.
Carbon fiber e beha "seaparo" leboneng le "fofang" la Liolimpiki tsa Mariha tsa Beijing 2022.
Lena ke lekhetlo la pele lefatšeng moo khetla ea toche ea Liolimpiki e entsoeng ka thepa e kopantsoeng ea carbon fiber, e rarollang bothata ba botekgeniki ba hore toche e hloka ho mamella mocheso o phahameng ha e chesa mafura a haedrojene, e etsa hore e be “e bobebe, e tiileng le e ntle. " joalo joalo.E ka fihlela mocheso oa haedrojene ho feta likhato tse 800 tsa Celsius.Ha ho bapisoa le khetla ea toche ea tšepe e batang, "Flying" e etsa hore litoche li ikutloe li futhumetse 'me li thusa "Liolimpiki tse Tala" ha li sebelisoa ka tloaelo sebakeng sa ho tuka.
Molamu o ntšang khanya o sebelisoang moketeng oa ho bula o entsoe ka lintho tse entsoeng ka carbon fiber composite
E bolelele ba limithara tse 9,5, bophara ba lisenthimithara tse 3,8 qetellong ea hlooho, bophara ba 1.8 cm qetellong, 'me e boima ba likatse tse 3 le lithapo tse 7.Molamu ona o bonahalang o tloaelehile ha o tletse thekenoloji feela, empa o boetse o tletse li-aesthetics tsa Sechaena tse kopanyang ho tiea le bonolo.
Tanka ea polokelo ea carbon fiber hydrogen
Sehlopha sa pele sa libese tse tsamaeang ka matla a 46 tsa hydrogen kaofela li sebelisa lisilindara tsa polokelo ea haedrojene ea 165L, 'me sebaka se etselitsoeng ho tsamaea se ka fihla lik'hilomithara tse 630.
Moloko oa pele oa li-skate tsa 3D tsa lapeng tse hatisitsoeng tse sebetsang hantle haholo tsa carbon fiber composite
Ha ho bapisoa le lieta tsa China tsa lebelo le phahameng la ho thella, boima ba li-skate tsa carbon fiber bo fokotsehile ka 3% -4%, 'me matla a peel a li-skate a eketseha ka 7%.
Thupa ea hockey ea carbon fiber
The hockey stick base carbon fiber composite material e nka mokhoa oa ho kopanya motsoako oa mokelikeli ha o etsa lesela la carbon fiber, e le ho fokotsa metsi a mokelikeli a mokelikeli ho ea ka tlas'a moeli o behiloeng esale pele, le ho laola phoso ea boleng ba carbon fiber. lesela ho ± 1g/m2 -1.5g/m2;kenya carbon fiber cue base e entsoeng ka lesela la carbon fiber ka har'a hlobo, khatello ea theko ea hlobo e laoloa ho 18000Kpa ho ea ho 23000Ka, 'me setsi sa carbon fiber cue se futhumatsoa ho bōpa leqhoa la hockey.Mokelikeli oa ho etsa moemeli o sebelisetsoa ho khomarela holim'a lesela la carbon fiber, ka lehlakoreng le leng, le eketsa ho tiea ha lesela la carbon fiber, 'me ka lehlakoreng le leng, le ntlafatsa matla a kakaretso a sebopeho sa sehlopha.Ka ho fana ka mokelikeli o fokolang oa metsi a fokolang, 'me khatello ea theko ea hlobo e lula e le teng, e ka etsa bonnete ba hore ho ntse ho e-na le moemeli oa mokelikeli o lekaneng o kopantsoeng holim'a substrate ea carbon fiber club, le ho kenya letsoho mosebetsing o latelang oa ho bōpa, mokelikeli o lekaneng oa ho bopa o tiisa Ho tiea ha hoki ho etsa hore ho be thata ho sebapali ho petsola kapa ho pshatla thupa ea hockey ha a tsoka thupa ea hockey, ho etsa bonnete ba hore thupa ea hockey e matla ebile e tšoarella.
Carbon Fiber Heating Cable E Thusa Ho Futhumatsa Mariha Olympic Village Apartments
E le ho sireletsa baatlelete serameng mariha, Motseng oa Liolimpiki oa Mariha oa Zhangjiakou, ho ile ha kenngoa mofuta o mocha oa liphanele tsa ka ntle tse entsoeng ka ntle le likhoele tse futhumatsang tsa carbon fiber ka foleteng ea baatlelete, e leng e tala, e futhumetseng ebile e phutholohile.Mohala oa carbon fiber o futhumatsang o behoa tlas'a fatše foleteng ea moatlelete Motseng oa Mariha oa Liolimpiki, 'me motlakase o sebelisetsoa ho futhumatsa, o fetolang matla a motlakase ka ho toba matla a mocheso ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea mocheso.Motlakase o sebelisitsoeng o tsoa phehlong ea matla a moea Zhangjiakou, e hloekileng, e ka nchafatsoang hape, 'me e baballa tikoloho.Ha thapo e futhumatsang ea carbon fiber e sebetsa, e tla lokolla mahlaseli a hole a infrared, a nang le phello e ntle ea physiotherapy tokisong ea baatlelete le ts'ebetsong ea meridians.
Nako ea poso: Feb-21-2022